Monday, November 15, 2010

window thingy!!!

am sure yhu re all wondering wat a window thingy would rilly b bout!!! well, my sister used to call it the window connection!!! it was crazy!!! d ting is, my parent r this typical very strict yoruba people,while we were growing up, dey dont let us,(d girls..i ave two sister,and am in d middle) ave male visitors in d house. ermm...ave alwaz been on d wild side, so wen dey said no boys, it made me wanna ave all d boys come over...newaz, i ad a boy frnd that was way older than i was and did not understand y my parents would not allow me or my sisters ave male visitors...oh yeah, i ave a brother too... newaz, after a particular situation which is way too embarassing for me too write, my boyfriend never came into my house again, and i ad strict monitoring, so basicallly dere was no way fo either of us to get to see each oda!!! it was so bloody frustrating!!! i rilly ad to see him and he def wanted to see me too.
so we developed a strategy, he had to become frnds with the boy that lives opposite my house,(i knw yhu r gonna tink that i would go to d boys house rite?? nope!!) he would go to d boiz room, then when he gets dere, he would call me, open up my window and then we would talk!!! then i thot it was so cute, but looking at it now, its still is cute joh!!

1 comment:

  1. Like this story,
    Imma read the other ones too, but I'm currently at work :)

    Tell all your friends about your blog too, you need more followers, and tweet about it too!

    Best wishes, young mz!
